Pastor's Corner

2012 09-23 Who Do You Say That I Am?

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September 23rd, 2012

Who do you say that I am?


 After months and months of traveling with Him and after witnessing healings and extraordinary signs of God’s providence through Him, the disciples had this question posed to them…by Jesus: OK…I get what others have said, that I’m one of the prophets come back to life, I get that…but what about you…who do you say that I am?(Matthew 16.15)

 We know the rest of the story. The leader of the twelve spoke up…as the leader. The fisherman answered the question, by confessing his faith that Jesus was in truth, the longed – for Messiah, the Anointed One of God (in Greek, Christos). And on hearing this testimony of his faith, Jesus gave Simon a new name….you are Peter… (kephas, in Aramaic, “rock’), and upon this rock I will build my church. (Matthew 16.18)

 The parish of Saint Brigid confesses the same faith as Simon Peter’s. With the Rock, we proclaim our faith, that in the Lord Jesus, we have been given the door to God’s heart, God’s reign in our lives. We profess this living faith as a family. We profess this faith with our Archbishop and with the successor of Simon Peter, Pope Benedict XVI.

Upon This Rock: living our faith-life

 On the 30th of August, I received Archbishop Gregory’s formal approval, to move forward with our plans for expanding the property and the facilities of Saint Brigid. A Steering Committee has been formed to oversee the entire project. Membership on this Steering Committee includes our clergy and the leadership of the Finance and Pastoral Councils as well as key lay-leaders in the parish. This Steering Committee has come up with a name and a theme for our project, a theme that speaks to our faith in the future of Saint Brigid… Upon This Rock.

 Upon This Rock…of our faith…Upon This Rock… of our commitment to the future of Christ’s Church, we will do all we need to do, to provide the facilities needed for the work of God at Saint Brigid.  Much more will follow. It will be exciting work…to do all we need to do for our teens, our children and our children’s children. STAY TUNED…for all of us will be invited to play a part in this confession of our faith.



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