Pastor's Corner

2015 11-22 We Thank the Lord for the Gift of Our Precious Faith

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From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy
Today, as we celebrate the feast of Christ the King, we can thank the Lord for the gift of our precious faith. The word “Eucharist” means “giving thanks” and the Eucharist is the source and summit of our faith. Our Church leaders remind us that the Lord establishes a special bond with His community through the special Eucharistic meal. It is the nourishment that fuels and sustains the spiritual vitality of our wonderful faith community. We can thank the Lord for the opportunity to bond with each other by nourishing together on the Bread of Life. We can also thank Him for the opportunity to then go forth in loving service of our brothers and sisters, especially our brothers and sisters in need at this time of the year.

In addition, as we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving Day this Thursday, we are invited to pause and reflect in a special way to give thanks for the many blessings the Lord has bestowed on us. As we enjoy our Thanksgiving meal, we are prayerfully invited to reflect on our blessings and share our gifts with others in the true spirit of Christian generosity. We can thank God for the gift of our life, our health, our family, our friends, and our vocations.

The International Catholic Stewardship Council reminds us that “good stewards never miss an opportunity to thank God.” The following are examples of opportunities recommended by the Council to express our thanks to God.

“Many parishes see as many people attend Mass on Thanksgiving Day as on holy days of obligation. Make sure you’re in the crowd, and bring your kids to say thank you to God on this special day.

Line up a trip to help at a soup kitchen, food bank or meal delivery service on Thanksgiving, or sometime near the feast. This can be especially beneficial to children, but everyone who experiences the needs of others appreciates not only what they have, but the fellowship they share with their sisters and brothers who have less.

Set time aside this month in which you recall an experience of deep happiness and joy – the birth of a child, a special moment with a loved one, a gift you received that was beyond your expectation. Let God be with you in these moments and express your deep thankfulness.” As we reflect on these recommendations, we are reminded that our bishops have suggested that beginning Monday the days before Thanksgiving be set aside for deeds of charity, for penance, and for prayers for economic justice. We can also pray that Thanksgiving will be a time for family and friends to get together to thank God for blessings received.

On behalf of the priests, deacons and staff at Saint Brigid, I pray that your Thanksgiving Day will be a blessed one.

2015 11-29 “In The Desert, I Prepare the Way of the Lord” Advent Mission 2015
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