The Book of Job

New Adult Bible Study – The Book of Job

Tuesday mornings, beginning January 19,  11:00 AM – 12:00 PM

The Book of Job, up and down the centuries, has been an enigma and topic of fascination for people – religious and not: probably because its subject – suffering – has been perennially on the minds and hearts of pretty much everyone.  While Job might not give us answers to the questions that plague and torture humans – what is my suffering?  Why do I suffer? – it points us to something much more profound, as GK Chesterton says, “The riddles of God are more satisfying than the solutions of men.”

Join Fr. Michael, Tuesday mornings,  11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon via Zoom,
beginning Jan 19, seven sessions, ending on March 2.

Enter into the mystery of suffering through the wisdom of the Book of Job.  To join the zoom call on Tuesdays, or to view class at your own pace please contact Molly Hembree to rsvp or for questions,