Pastor's Corner

2023 05-28  Remember those in the Military who have Given their Lives for Freedoms we Enjoy

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

This Sunday we celebrate the great feast of Pentecost.  We witness on this day the fulfillment of the promise of Jesus to send the Holy Spirit upon His Apostles.  The Holy Spirit will transform the lives of these Apostles.  These frightened men who abandoned Jesus at His Passion will be transformed into bold witnesses who will endure persecution, suffering, ridicule, and other forms of trial as they preach His Good News.  As we celebrate this feast, we are encouraged to allow the Holy Spirit to come into our minds, into our lives, and into our hearts.

This Monday we celebrate Memorial Day, and we remember in a special way those men and women in the armed forces who have made the supreme sacrifice in defense of our nation.  Some of those who died were military chaplains who faithfully served the spiritual needs of our men and women in the armed forces and also served the spiritual needs of their families.  Many of our servicemen and women died in wars and in terrorist attacks.  They sacrificed their lives and their freedom and helped make it possible for us to enjoy our lives and our freedom.  They were prematurely separated from family members and friends, and a grateful nation pays them homage and respect.

The following prayer prepared by an unknown author helps us appreciate the significance of this day.  As we reflect on this prayer below and as we celebrate Memorial Day, we are reminded to truly appreciate our precious faith and freedom which we should never take for granted.  In addition, on this day we are urged to join our brothers and sisters who pray for the repose of the souls of these men and women who have gone before us, and for the consolation of their family members and friends.


Heavenly Father,
as our nation pauses today to remember those in the military
who have given their lives for the freedoms we enjoy,
we pray You would have us all look to You for strength, comfort, and guidance.
Be with all who serve in our armed forces.
Bless them and their families.
Grant Your loving protection.
Let peace prevail among all the nations, O God.
Especially let Your mercy rest upon our land,
even as we acknowledge with thanksgiving Your past goodness on this country.
If it is Your will, preserve the lives of the men and women in uniform as they defend our citizenry.
Most of all, we pray that You would turn the hearts of all
– military and civilian –
to Your holy word where we find the true peace for our sinful souls that surpasses all understanding.
Keep us repentant of sin.  Move us to know.
Take hold and treasure Your saving grace.
In the name of Jesus Our Savior and Your beloved Son,
who alone gives this peace and hope for eternity, we pray.   Amen.

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