Application Process
Applications will be available and accepted in mid-January for placement in the fall. Please check the Saint Brigid Catholic Church bulletin for specific dates. A non-refundable enrollment fee of $125.00 per child or $175.00 per family is required for all students who are placed on a class list. This is due along with the application, and a photograph of the child. If needed, additional documents, may be requested. Once a completed application is received, your child will either be enrolled or put on our current wait list. If your child is enrolled your advanced deposit for one month’s tuition will be due on May 1st. If your child is placed on the wait list your application fee will be returned.
We wish we could accommodate all children of our parish and even those of other denominations. However, if space is limited, priority will be given as follows:
1. Active Catholics of Saint Brigid Catholic Church
2. Active Catholics of an Archdiocesan Catholic Church other than Saint Brigid
3. Non-active Catholics
4. Members of other denominations
“Active Catholics” is defined as being registered in the parish, attends Liturgy (Mass) on Sundays, is involved in parish ministries and organizations, has a current Stewardship of Time and Talent pledge form on file in the parish office and participates in stewardship through use of parish offertory envelopes.
Class Choice and Tuition
2 year old toddler program: (ratio 12:2) 8:45am – 12:15pm
(Must turn two by 9/01/19)
2 days Tues/ Thurs…………………$250 monthly or $2,250 annually*
3 days Mon/Wed/Fri……………. $295 monthly or $2,655 annually*
3 year old preschool: (ratio 15:2) 8:45am – 12:30pm
(Must turn three by 9/01/19)
2 days Optional days available……………………………….$280 monthly or $2,520 annually*
3 days MWF or Optional days available …………….$355 monthly or $3,195 annually*
4 days Optional days available……………………………….$420 monthly or $3,780 annually*
5 days Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri……………………………$500 monthly or $4,500 annually*
4/5 year old pre-kindergarten: (ratio 18:2 or 9:1) 8:45am-12:30pm Monday and Thursday 8:45am-1pm
(Must turn four by 9/01/19)
4 days Tues-Fri……………………………………………………………….$470 monthly or $4,230 annually*
5 days Mon/Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri…………………………….$520 monthly or $4,680 annually*
(Classes Determined by enrollment)
Young 5’s pre-kindergarten – Placed in Pre-k 4/5
(Children who are five by 9/01/19)
All Y5’s must have individual conference prior to placement.
* All tuition cost are inclusive of art supplies, materials, and religious book fees.
*Three, four, and five year olds must be potty trained
Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Enrollment
Frequently Asked Questions
When can I register my child for preschool? Forms will be available for new students three
ways for first priority placement
1. At the Open house
2. The parish office or Day School Office upon request
3. Download your forms from under education/dayschool
When are my forms due back? Can I return the forms earlier? Return the forms to the receptionist
in the Parish office anytime before or on February 11th, for newly enrolled students, again
for first priority. Day School Administration may not be immediately available to help you with your
forms or answer specific questions but will get back to you within 24 hours if you leave a message.
What if I have questions about the application/choice forms? Administrators will be available
to answer questions when possible during the day school hours from 8:15 am until 1:30 pm Monday
thru Friday. If the directors are helping others, they will return your call you within 24 hours
When will I know if my child is enrolled in Saint Brigid Day School? You will receive a letter or
phone call that will go out by March 1st regarding your child’s placement.
What happens if classes are full? We will notify you that your child was placed on the waiting list
and we will return your application fee.
What happens if I miss the first priority dates and deadlines? You can pick up an application
packet at any time after that date, even into the school year. If space is available your child will be
placed on a class list immediately or they will be put on a waitlist if no space is available and we
will return your application fee.
How does the waitlist work? Please indicate on your choice form your waitlist options for 1st,
2nd and 3rd choice. All children are placed on the waitlist as equal candidates. We look for the
best match for the space available. Our goal is to keep our ratio and classes balanced equally.
When there is an opening we look at many factors, including date of birth, date placed on waitlist,
male/female, siblings, and church membership.
Optional Days? Choose your two, three or four days. It may be hard to accommodate everyone’s’ first
choice, but we will try and the days you attend will remain consistent throughout the year.
Can I be put on a class list for my second choice and be waitlisted for my first choice?
Unfortunately no. It creates too much confusion for everyone. Once your child is placed on a
list your child is no longer eligible for the waitlist. The waitlist is for students who are not placed in
a class. Our classes become unbalanced when we continue to move around indecisive applicants.
What happens if I change my mind on the class where my child is currently accepted?
(Ex. Kate is placed in four day 4’s upon initial enrollment. In June, parents would like to move Kate
to five day 4’s instead.) Of course, if there is a spot we will move your child, but we will not put him/
her on the waitlist for that particular class. However, it makes it so much easier for everyone if your
child stays in the first class they are enrolled into.
What are my chances of enrolling my child if I am placed on the waitlist? Of course, we can
not predict the future, however, North Fulton is a very transient area, there are many families who
relocate. This creates openings at our school throughout the year. We continue to place students
from the waitlist well into the school year until mid-spring.
How will I know if there is an opening? We will contact you immediately by phone when an
opening occurs.
Please remember if you have a young five we must have an individual conference with the
parents to determine placement.