July 22, 2012
From Guest columnist: Deacon Tom Huff
“Come Away By Yourselves to a Deserted Place and Rest For Awhile”
In Mark’s Gospel this Sunday, Jesus instructs his apostles to go away to a deserted place and rest for a while. In His love for His brothers, He wants them to take some time to rest, to pray, and to reflect on their love for Him and for each other. Jesus will eventually go to the cross and in His agony tell the Apostles and us that He thirsts for our love. I believe that we too thirst for Jesus’ love. We too, just like the Apostles, need some time with Jesus to deepen our love for Him.
Beginning in August, Jesus will invite you to a special place here at St. Brigid to rest for a while. In this place, you will be spiritually re-energized and refreshed by the power of the Holy Spirit. On August 25 and 26, the men of St. Brigid will be invited to a Christ Renews His Parish weekend with a corresponding invitation to the women of St. Brigid on September 8 and 9. The weekend begins on Saturday morning and ends on Sunday afternoon.
During your weekend, you will hear fellow parishioners share talks with you on Christian Renewal, Spirituality, Christian Community, Christian Awareness, The Scriptures, The Father’s Loving Care, New Life in Christ, Reconciliation, The Eucharist, and Discipleship. You will participate in two very powerful Liturgies, sing, laugh, maybe cry a little, eat very well, make some new friends, and leave the weekend renewed and refreshed. The Christ Renews His Parish experience can be a tremendous boost to an on-going love relationship with Christ.
The Christ Renews His Parish weekend is a gift from God that can be freely taken by anyone who simply answers yes to the invitation. There is no pressure on anyone to share on the weekend unless they want to share. Christ simply wants to spend some time with you in a deserted place where the distractions of the world are left behind for a while.
Next weekend, men and women from the Christ Renews His Parish teams will be on the landing to provide you with more information including how to register. Some of them will also share their Christ Renews His Parish experiences with you in a brief talk at the end of Mass. I pray that many of you will consider this wonderful invitation for renewal. I look forward to meeting you on the weekend and journeying with you as Christ encounters us in that deserted place.