Pastor's Corner

2012 09-30 Ongoing Response to Your Suggestions

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Ongoing response to your suggestions

The professional parish-wide Survey that was completed in March of this year continues to guide the staff, in acting to the suggestions offered in the Survey results, about ways to improve our life together as a parish family. As I mentioned some months ago, I hope to respond to every suggestion or concern shared.

In the past months, we have: improved the lighting of the outside stairs; have touched up worn spaces on the Tabernacles (with gold leaf); spoken at several masses about the portion of the community that leaves before the conclusion of the Mass; and, added new television monitors and new pamphlet racks, to assist in communicating the many opportunities offered at Saint Brigid.

Within this past month or so, we have: added additional scheduled opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation (Monday and Friday mornings); added new Holy Communion stations during our weekend and solemnity liturgies where reception from the Cup is possible; organized a new Nursery program that will offer additional assistance to parents wanting to take part in adult ongoing formation at the parish; are in the process of revamping our Welcoming Ministry, so that all will know what a warm and loving community Saint Brigid is.

All of these actions have been completed or at least initiated after hearing from the dedicated parishioners of our parish. I rejoice at the loving care and concern so many of you show, in your commitment to Saint Brigid.


Friday Night Faith is off and running! This exciting opportunity for ongoing formation in our faith is such a blessing. The next Friday Night Faith is on the 5th. The Cathedral’s young priest, Fr. Michael Silloway, will speak about the Vocation of Marriage. His post-graduate degree is from the Pope John Paul II Institute.  Come and see what a blessing we have, in the gift of this blessed vocation.

Along with this series, we have numerous programs offered by our staff, by Fr. Josh and by the ministries of the parish. Please make sure you read each week’s bulletin and click on our web-site, to see all that is happening between the walls!



2012 09-09 The Bread of Life, the Chalice of Salvation
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