Pastor's Corner

2012 12-16 Caring For One Of Our Own

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Caring for one of our own

On the 8th of June in 2013, one of our own will be ordained into the ministerial priesthood of Christ. On that summer day, Dennis Dorner Jr.  will be ordained for service in the Archdiocese.  He will become Father Dennis for us.  The following day, his traditional “first Mass” will be here, at his home parish, and we will throw him a fine reception afterwards. Let’s make sure we have a fine gift to give to him on that happy Sunday!

Beginning today and extending through the 5th of June, I will be collecting financial gifts from you, to be collected and then given to our new priest, at his June reception in Corbett Hall. Deacon Dennis is leaving seminary and will need all kinds of things; but issue number one for him is the purchase of a new car. He’s driving a car donated to the seminary program and it is definitely on its last go-round. Wouldn’t it be wonderful, if we could collect a hefty down-payment for him?

What I am asking of you is a sharing of a portion of your treasure over and above what you currently are offering to the parish. We need every dollar given us in the weekly offertory, for the work of God that we are about, day-in, day-out. The dollars that we will collect for this “ordination gift” for one of our own is not a donation to the parish. It will not be tax deductible, as is your offertory tithe.  It is a gift to a young man from this parish, a son of Deacon Dennis and Susan Dorner…one of our own.

 So, here’s the plan: 

1. Send your check, made payable to “Saint Brigid Catholic Church” to me:  Msgr. David P. Talley, Saint Brigid Catholic Church, 3400 Old Alabama Road, Johns Creek, GA. 30022.

2. I will make sure that a record is kept of every gift.

3. Once the gift has been recorded, I will hand the check over to our Finance Department, and they will cash the check, placing its contents into a special account.

4. On the 5th of June, we will then write a check for the total amount of what has been given, and be ready to hand a check in that amount to the then – Father Dennis Dorner at his reception in Corbett Hall…after he has completed the celebration of Holy Mass… for us.

Will you join me in assisting one of our own with a gift?





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