Pastor's Corner

2012 10-21 Stewardship: from July 1st to June 30th, 2012

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Stewardship: from July 1st to June 30th 2012 

The priests of the parish offered the Anointing of the Sick to at least 103 parishioners. 

The deacons and priests of the parish baptized 139 children and adults. 

There were 174 Confirmations. 

There were 16 funeral Masses held at our parish. 

There were 226 children at Saint Brigid that received Holy Communion for the first time. 

There were 21 couples that exchanged their vows in marriage  before the Altar at Saint Brigid. 

There were 1334 adults that came to classes in adult ongoing formation in the faith. 

We assisted our parents in offering our Parish School of Religion to 855 children. 

Additionally, 122 children were formed through the Catechesis of the Good Shepherd.

 Last year, we had 165 middle-school children in EDGE. This year, it’s at about 250

 The same with our high-school teens: about 250 take part in our Life Teen ministry. 

Over the summer, 459 children attended our Vacation Bible School, and had a blast. 

And, 80 little ones were part of our Day School. 


How were we able to do this great work of God? 

Fifty salaried employees (lay and ordained) worked long hours, with countless volunteers.

 How did we pay for all that we did, in the Name of the Lord Jesus?


1931 registered adults and families give less than $2 weekly (1% of our offertory). 

953 registered adults and families give between $2 and $14 weekly (12% of our offertory). 

746 registered adults and families give between $15 and $49 weekly (38% of our offertory). 

193 registered adults and families give between $50 and $99 weekly (23% of our offertory). 

94 registered adults and families give $100 or more weekly (26% of our offertory).


Please take this column home and look at your personal financial records. Which category of giving do you find yourself?

This is not about assigning “Catholic guilt”. This is about speaking the truth. It is about knowing the truth. Our parish cannot serve the Lord without your financial support. Let us be courageous and look in the mirror, and then ask the question… 

Which category is the Lord calling you to, in your stewardship of the gifts given?

 As each one has received a gift, use it to serve one another as good stewards of God’s varied grace .

 (1 Peter 4.10)




2012 12-30 A New Year, New Beginnings for the Christian Steward
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