Pastor's Corner

2013 10-06 Respect Life Sunday

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From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy:

The most basic gift from God that all of us share is the gift of life.  It is the foundation upon which rests all the other marvelous gifts that God has given to us.  And on Respect Life Sunday (October 6) and throughout the month of October, as disciples we are reminded in a special way to respect, cherish, and value all human life.

 This need to value all human life has been addressed by Pope Benedict XVI.  At the beginning of his papacy, he dedicated himself to proclaiming the Gospel of Life.  He began his ministry by continuing in the spirit of Pope John Paul II by declaring “in an unequivocal way… the inviolability of human life from conception until natural death.”   Our Holy Father, Pope Francis, has endorsed this proclamation.

 As disciples, we are invited to nurture and cultivate the gift of life.  The Lord invites us to bear witness to the value and the sacredness of the lives of the unborn, the elderly, and the physically and mentally ill.  They join us as the Body of Christ.  They are also God’s children and deserve our love and support.  We pray that wherever people fail to value this gift of life, God may change their minds and hearts. 

This Sunday we are invited to join the people of the Archdiocese of Atlanta to proclaim our appreciation for the precious gift of life.  There will be a series of “Life Chains” which will be conducted throughout the Archdiocese.  We are invited to participate in the one that will be held between 2 p.m. and 3 p.m. on Old Alabama Road in an area which will include the space in front of our Church.  The “Life Chain” will be a peaceful, public witness concerning the dignity of all life, especially the lives of the unborn.  We will pray for our nation and its people and we will be exercising our responsibility to speak out on behalf of the value of life. 

As disciples, we are called to be voices for the voiceless, to speak for those who cannot speak for themselves.  We are challenged to follow the example of our Popes, and commit ourselves publicly to the protection of all human life from conception until natural death as we strive to enhance the moral integrity of our great nation.    


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