Pastor's Corner

2013 12-22 Be Still and Know That I Am God

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From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy:

As we know, at Christmas, Christ comes into our world and into our lives as a sign of the love God has for us.  As disciples, we can show our love for Him in a very special way by getting ready to receive the Baby Jesus in our hearts spiritually through prayerful reflection and meditation, and through service to others.  We can also show our love by thanking the Lord for His many gifts and blessings.

We have much for which we are thankful.  As a community of faith, we join in thanking God for the many blessings He has bestowed upon us, our families, and our nation.  We especially thank Him for the gift of His Son.

I am truly grateful for your continued emphasis on the spiritual integrity and vitality of the Parish, for your active participation in our liturgical celebrations, and for your enthusiastic support.   I am also deeply grateful for your generosity which, in so many ways, has enhanced and strengthened the many programs, ministries, and activities which we offer at Saint Brigid.

At this time, we are invited to focus on prayer, reflection, wonder, and silence, and allow the sacred mysteries of Christmas to take on a special meaning in our lives.  My hope for all of us this Christmas is that we will take to heart the profound words of Psalm 46: 

 “…Be still and know that I am God,

 exalted among all nations, exalted in the earth.”

May we truly be still and hear His voice in the silence of our hearts, and allow the light of His Son to shine through the darkness of our lives.

I wish you and your loved ones a blessed Christmas and a happy, healthy, and holy New Year.  May you experience the wonder of God’s peace and joy in many profound and mysterious ways.  It is a privilege to serve you.



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