Pastor's Corner

2014 08-03 Thank you from Seminarian Robbie Cotta

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Guest article from our parishioner and seminarian, Robbie Cotta:

Parishioners of Saint Brigid,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank each and every one of you for your tremendous support in helping to foster my vocation to the priesthood.

My family and I have been parishioners at Saint Brigid for nearly ten years, and I cannot begin to thank this wonderful faith community enough for all of the prayers and support that you have given me in my time here. 

On August 9th, I will leave Atlanta and move up to Mundelein, Illinois to begin priestly formation at Mundelein Seminary. As I prepare to embark on this exciting new journey, I want to assure the Saint Brigid community that my prayers are always with you, and I ask you all to keep me in your prayers as well. Coming from such a strong, loving faith community will be a tremendous advantage for me as I begin six (or more) challenging years of seminary formation.

I would like to thank Father Neil, Father Brian, Father Tri, Father Josh Allen, Father Michael Silloway, and the entire clergy at Saint Brigid for giving me such loving, prayerful, and sacramental support as I continue to prepare to begin this journey. My vocation to the priesthood would not be what it is had it not been for such outstanding role-models in the faith to lead, teach, and inspire me.

It is an honor and a privilege to represent Saint Brigid as I begin my studies as a seminarian for the Archdiocese of Atlanta, and I could not be more proud to call myself a son of one of the most outstanding parishes in our wonderful Archdiocese.

God bless you all, and I look forward to seeing you all soon!

Your brother in Christ,

Robbie Cotta

 Mundelein Seminary, 1000 E. Maple Ave. Mundelein, IL 60060

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