This weekend we also initiate the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal for 2016. As previously mentioned, as a parish community, we are blessed to be part of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. The Archdiocese shares in the mission of the universal Church. One way it does this is through the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. The Archbishop states that the Appeal “…is one way for our parishioners to participate in the mission of the wider Church beyond their parish. It is a source of support for the ministries beyond the individual activities of any one of our parishes.”
The Appeal is not just another second collection. Rather, it is the one time during the year that all Catholics are asked to make a significant pledge, payable over ten months if we so choose, to our Archdiocese so that it can meet the spiritual, educational, and temporal needs of our parishes and its people. The Appeal also supports Catholic Charities and many other Archdiocesan pastoral outreach, education, and formation programs that serve our parish as well as our larger Church family. A substantial portion of the Appeal provides for the funding for our seminarian, permanent diaconate, and priest retirement programs. Through your generosity, Saint Brigid benefits directly from the Appeal because at this time, we are blessed to have four men from our parish currently in various seminaries studying for the priesthood. Our contributions to the Appeal provide funds that go directly to the training and support of future happy, holy, and healthy priests and deacons needed to serve the Church of tomorrow.
Anyone who gave to the Appeal last year should have recently received a letter in the mail from Archbishop Gregory inviting you to make a pledge to the 2016 Appeal. If you have already given via the mail or on line, the Archbishop thanks you. The Archbishop also asks those who have not yet contributed to make a commitment using a pledge envelope that will be provided during Mass this weekend. Information about the Appeal has been provided in the Church Bulletin and on the Parish website. Our Church challenges us to give of ourselves. When we give of ourselves by supporting the Annual Appeal, we are serving as Christ’s hands; we are serving as Christ’s feet; we are serving as the Body of Christ; and in the end, we are truly serving as His one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church. Please give generously. Please give sacrificially. Please give to honor the Lord and to grow as His disciple.
Thank you for all you do for our faith community.