Today we proclaim the glory of the Resurrection. The suffering of the cross gives way to the glory of the Resurrection. Just as we share in the suffering of Christ in this life, we hope to one day share in His glory. Through his Resurrection, Jesus has conquered sin. He has conquered death. This is the message of his Good News. This is the message of Easter, and Our Holy Father invites us to embrace this message.
Today we can take to heart the following words of Pope Francis spoken in an Easter address, “Let the Risen Jesus enter your life. Welcome him as a friend, with trust. He is life. If, up to now, you have kept him at a distance, step forward. You will not be disappointed. If following him seems difficult, do not be afraid. Trust him, be confident that he is close to you and he will give you the peace you are looking for and the strength to live as he would have you do.”
Today we are challenged to take these words to heart. In a world growing more and more secular and anti-Christian, we are challenged to live for Christ, to love for Christ, to take risks for Christ, and to witness for Christ. We can show by our witness and our actions that we are truly the body of Christ, the community of hope, and the Easter people of faith.
As we celebrate this day, I thank you for all that you do to enhance the spiritual vitality of this wonderful Parish. I wish you and your families a holy, happy and healthy Easter season.
Fr. Neil Herlihy