Pastor's Corner

2017 07-30 Through your Generosity, Saint Brigid Benefits Directly From the Annual Appeal

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From our pastor Father Neil Herlihy
At this time we are in the midst of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal for 2017.  During the month of July, the Archdiocese has sent reminder notices urging parishioners to support the Appeal.  A substantial portion of the Appeal provides for the funding for our Archdiocese Vocation program.  Through your generosity, Saint Brigid benefits directly from the Appeal because at this time, we are blessed to have two men from our parish currently attending seminary and studying for the priesthood, and one man who was ordained to the priesthood this summer.

Our contributions to the Appeal provide funds that go directly to the training and support of future happy, holy, and healthy priests needed to serve the Church of tomorrow.  The Appeal also supports our diaconate program, Catholic Charities and many other Archdiocesan pastoral outreach, education, and formation programs that serve our parish as well as our larger Church family. Archbishop Gregory has stated that the Appeal “…is one way for our parishioners to participate in the mission of the wider Church beyond their parish.  It is a source of support for the ministries beyond the individual activities of any one of our parishes.”

At Saint Brigid we strive as a community to assist seminarians as they discern a vocation to the priesthood and as they continue their training and formation.  Three of these young men are Saint Brigid parishioners who spent some time at Saint Brigid this summer while they were on a break from seminaries studies.  They were involved in the following activities:

Bryan Kuhr spent a few weeks here assisting at our liturgies prior to being ordained to the priesthood for the Archdiocese of Atlanta in June. Robbie Cotta and Joey Martineck were here for a brief time assisting at Mass while visiting their families.  Their primary assignment this summer was to participate in an intensive program of priestly formation in Nebraska.

In addition, another seminarian who is not a parishioner, Alan Salazar, was assigned to parish ministry at Saint Brigid.  He assisted primarily at our liturgies and with our Vacation Bible School, Life Teen, and Confirmation programs.  As we can see, our prayers and financial support of the Annual Appeal are clearly bearing fruit.  We ask for your continued support.  If you have already given via the mail or online, we thank you.  If you have not yet given to the Annual Appeal, we ask you to prayerfully consider doing so.  Pledge envelopes are provided in the pews and can be returned to the ushers or to the Parish Office. In addition, information about the Appeal has been provided on the Parish website.

As we reflect on the blessings of priests and deacons to our Church, we are asked to generously and sacrificially support the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Thank you for all you do for our faith community.

2017 07-23 At Saint Brigid, We Are Truly Appreciative of the Work of the Saint Vincent de Paul Society
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2017 08-06 A Family that Prays Together Stays Together
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