Please join us as Fr. Kevin Peek presents an engaging and insightful Advent Mission titled, “The Coming of the Christ Child and the Mystery of the Eucharist”.
Embarking upon this Holy Season of Advent, in this year of the Eucharistic Revival, we anticipate the Birth of Jesus (“the Source and Summit of the Christian Life.”, CCC1324).
The Advent Mission will be held in the Main Church on December 5th & 6th with two sessions each day, 10:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Come to 9 AM Mass before the Mission and have a snack before the Mission in Corbett Hall.
The themes for Tuesday and Wednesday are: Advent and our Desperate Need for Christ and The Mass and the Second Coming of Christ
We look forward to seeing everyone there to receive Fr. Peek’s Holy Spirit-inspired message to encourage us on our faith journey this Advent Season.