Bulletin Submission

Saint Brigid has a comprehensive multi-faceted communication program designed to provide the parish with information on the Parish, its ministries, and activities.  Communication is a form of evangelization and should be reflective of our mission and values. Based on the vision for each modality the communication department will determine the best-suited avenue to deliver your message.

In an effort to assist our ministry leaders, all submissions should be emailed to the parish secretary, who will properly manage the requests, applying them to the bulletin, website, social media, and parish-wide e-mail where applicable.  Please see below for more points of interest to help you submit your requests successfully.  Any Saint Brigid ministry event must first be approved by the Pastor and on the parish calendar.  (via a room reservation/ solicitation/ or speaker request form). 

This applies to ALL meetings, events, or solicitations on or off-site, in-person or virtual.


The Saint Brigid bulletin and website are the main means of informing parishioners of the weekly message and theme along with information about upcoming events.

▪ All bulletin submissions must be submitted via email to bulletin@saintbrigid.org by Friday, 5:00 pm, 16 days before the Sunday publication date. (unless otherwise specified).  If submitted after this deadline, the announcement will be in the following bulletin.

▪ Keep announcements BRIEF – (i.e., who, what, when, where, why)  A photo is welcome and will be displayed if space allows.

▪ Announcements run for two weeks only, exceptions will be made by the parish secretary.

▪ A “Save the Date” announcements are allowable in the “Plan Ahead” column, with more detail on the website events page.

▪ When submitting website addresses, remove the hyperlink from your email.  The editor will reinsert the hyperlink in the bulletin and website.  Hyperlinks and email addresses are active and working in the bulletin PDF on the internet and website.

▪ Short URLs for websites are preferable.  Bitly and TinyURL are free services and easy to use to create short addresses.

▪ Clipart will not be used in the bulletin or website.  Organic pictures of your ministries in action before and after are very much desired.  (please follow safe environment guidelines for the vulnerable)  If you are submitting pictures, they must be high resolution and in focus (at the discretion of the Communications Department). Otherwise, they will not be able to be included in the bulletin.

▪ All bulletin submissions are at the discretion of the Communications Department and will be edited to fit guidelines. Bulletin ads are limited to 50 words.

▪ These guidelines apply to all ministries, affiliates, and departments.

▪  For any event, flyers, images, or graphics can be attached to your email to place on our website.  To promote in the parish for the wall racks, only TRIFOLDS, half-letter stock (portrait), 1/3 letter portrait stock are permissible.  Samples are on the ministry page on our website.  Full-Page flyers cannot be placed in the racks or Welcome counters.  Full-page flyers/inserts are no longer permitted in the bulletin.

▪ All submissions will be added to our website under events with a link to your graphics or pictures and shared on special events on social media.

Water Turned off at Main Church & Holy Redeemer Saturdays March 8th & 15th 6:00 am - 4:00 pmWater Announcement Details