Online Giving FAQ

Can I use my credit card to make a donation?

Yes, you may use a credit or debit card. We accept American Express, Visa, MasterCard, and Discover. Donations may also be made directly from your checking or savings account.

How does the IRS recognize year-end donations made online?

‘Contributions are deductible in the year made. Thus, donations charged to a credit card before the end of 2021 count for 2021. This is true even if the credit card bill isn’t paid until 2022. Also, checks count for 2021 as long as they are mailed in 2021 and clear, shortly thereafter.’ (Taken from IRS website)

What should I do if I wish to change the amount of my donations for the new year?

Log in and click on the ‘Summary’ tab. You can edit your current donations, change payment information, add new donations or view your donation history from there. You must set up a ‘Profile’ in order to be able to view and edit your account.

Do I have to pay any fees to use this program?

No, there is no charge to the parishioner. The church does incur fees from credit card payments, but the fees are minimal.

Do I have to contribute to all of the collections listed?

No, just pick the collections you wish to contribute to from those listed.

If I participate in online giving, will I still receive a statement of my contributions at the end of the year?

Yes, all donations are recorded and statements will be sent after the end of the year. In addition, you can view your donation history by logging in and clicking on the ‘Summary’ tab. You must set up a ‘Profile’ in order to access your information.

I want to give Online, but do I need to keep turning in my envelope at Mass?

You can continue to turn in your envelopes. Just check the box that states you are giving electronically and place it in the basket during Mass or, if you would prefer, you can send an email to our Jennifer at and request that envelopes not be sent to you. If you do choose to turn in empty envelopes, they are still recorded as evidence of your attendance.

What if I would like to donate to only the 2nd collections that are coming up soon?

Log in and put in an amount next to the funds you wish to contribute to.  Please note that the date next to the second collection is the actual date that the collection is to be taken up, not the date it will come out of your account.  If amounts are put in next to several funds, they will all be deducted from your account on the same day.

What if I wish to cancel a recurring donation?

Log in and click on the ‘Summary’ tab. You can edit transactions from there.

Rachel Coco

678-393-0060 ext:112

Director of Finance / Wedding Ministry

Water Turned off at Main Church & Holy Redeemer Saturdays March 8th & 15th 6:00 am - 4:00 pmWater Announcement Details