Message of the Week

..And the Holy Spirit Descended Upon Him Like in Bodily Form like a Dove

The Baptism of the Lord

The Feast of the Baptism of the Lord concludes the liturgical Christmas Season and transitions us into the beginning of Ordinary Time.  Jesus’ life is also a transitional moment from His hidden life in Nazareth to the beginning of His public ministry.  Why was Jesus baptized?   Jesus’ true identity was made manifest through His humble act of baptism. “You are my beloved Son; with you, I am well pleased,” spoke the voice of the Father in Heaven. The Spirit descended upon Him in the form of a dove, a public declaration of Who He is. He is the Son of God, a divine Person Who is one with the Father and the Holy Spirit, a manifestation of His identity for all to see as He prepares to begin His public ministry.

Jesus’ incredible humility is made manifest. He is the Second Person of the Most Holy Trinity, but He allows Himself to become identified with sinners.  By sharing in an act that was focused upon repentance, Jesus speaks volumes through His action of baptism. From that moment onward, would be endowed with His divine presence and could be communicated to all who are baptized after Him. Therefore, sinful humanity is now able to meet divinity through baptism.

Through water that has now been sanctified by our divine Lord, we see in Jesus’ baptism a revelation of who we become in Him. Just as the Father spoke and declared Him as His Son, and just as the Holy Spirit descended upon Him, so also in our baptism we become the adopted children of the Father and are filled with the Holy Spirit. Thus, Jesus’ baptism gives clarity as to whom we become in Christian baptism.

The Baptism of the Lord | USCCB

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