Message of the Week

Christ Indeed From Death Has Risen


How do you begin to describe with words the joy in the Resurrection scene? There probably aren’t any ways in spoken language to capture the raw emotion Mary Magdalene must have felt at the sight of the risen Messiah.  Exuberance?  Exhilaration? Jubilation?

And to think, this is God’s free gift to us!  He created us so that we could share this feeling with Him.

Imagine His radiant light, shining warmth, yet cooling peace.  His infinite, abounding love is what we must strive for, today and always!

While this life may be at times filled with sadness, and eventual death, to be born to life with Him for Eternity, we must recognize that today’s world will only exist for a mere instant!

Our choice to participate in Christ’s sweet love will then allow us to take part in such bliss.  The resurrection is the good Lord’s fulfillment to us, and central to our Catholic faith.

As Christ has defeated death and Hell, let us now rise with Him, giving great Glory and Honor forever more!



My Lord and My God

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