- What is it that you hope for? Is it the fulfillment of a dream or the termination of some unpleasantness?
- You may be suffering because of worry, fear, disappointment in the loss of a person, or thing, or event. Or, you may desire a positive outcome of some situation for yourself or others.
- God desires peace, success, and redemption for you. He wants peace for your life now. How this happens may not be what you expect, “My ways are not your ways.”
- The Mass is the time and place where this can happen in your life. When we offer our success or suffering to God, it too can become a source of grace, peace and salvation both now and in the future.
- At the offertory, place your life in Jesus’ hands explicitly. This is the ultimate prayer and act of worship for you. Combine your life with Jesus’ sacrifice and he will take your life with His to the Father. This is your hope.
- And, “Be not afraid. I go before you always.”

Come before your God in Hope. Why?
First Sunday in Advent