Message of the Week

Come Before Your God in Joy, Why?

Fourth Sunday in Advent

– Because a Savior has been born to us!  Our Hope has been fulfilled.

– Because the Lord says, “I have called you by name.  You are mine.  You are precious and honored in My sight.  Because I love you.”

– You have been called to the Mass to experience the gift of Jesus’ presence.  “All the ends of the earth have seen the salvation by our God.  Sing joyfully to the Lord, all you lands: break into songs of praise!”

– Yet Christmas is only the beginning.  You have been called not only to worship but to carry out a unique mission in life.  You have been called in Hope, Thanksgiving, and Faith withich brings you to the ultimate state of joy.

– And God has a plan for you.  A profound plan to participate in building the kingdom.

– Jesus comes to us, let us bring Him to others.  Strengthened by Him in the Eucharist, you are now sent on your mission to bring Christ to your world.  No one else can do what you have been sent to do.  If you do not do it, it will not be done.

– Be not afraid.  He will go with you to guide and support you.  The Mass is your constant touch point to renew, nourish, and strengthen you.

The Holy Family of Jesus Mary and Joseph

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Come Before Your God in Faith, Why?

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