Message of the Week

Depart From Me Lord, For I Am a Sinfull Man

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

For a humble guy, St. Paul really tells it like it is.  Paul lists those witnesses who actually saw the risen Jesus, last and least of these being Paul himself.  Now we are used to thinking of Paul as one of the greatest apostles, even though we know he once persecuted Christians.   You might think he is being overly humble, like someone fishing for a compliment.  No, Paul is only interested in making sure the Corinthians understand just how much God has done.

Besides being “born abnormally” (1 Corinthians 15:8), that is, coming to follow Christ in such an unusual way, he felt unworthy because of so many Christians he hurt before his conversion.  Yet he turns that unworthiness into an example of how much God has done through him.  He can say that he worked harder than any other apostle because of God’s grace, not Paul’s strength.

In today’s Gospel, Peter has a similar experience.  He was a fisherman who knew his business and knew that some days, the fish just weren’t there.  When they caught enough fish to fill both boats, he realized that his pride was sinful.  He was unworthy to receive such bounty from the Lord.  And yet Jesus tells him that “you will be catching men” (Luke 5:10).

How many of us are like Peter and Paul, thinking we know just what our place in the world is, relying on our own strengths to do our jobs?  They found Jesus calling them to a much more challenging life.  Do we have the courage to listen to God’s call to serve?

Tom Schmidt, Diocesan Publications

Blessed are you who are poor, for the kingdom of God is yours.

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