Message of the Week

mustard seed

He Will Be Filled With the Holy Spirit… “John Is His Name.”

Nativity of St. John the Baptist
· God has a plan for each of us.
· If we ask the Holy Spirit what it is, He will help us discern it.
· God had an important plan for Elizabeth’s son.
· John the Baptist was filled with the Spirit from the time he was in the womb.
· He leapt in the womb when he felt the presence of Jesus in Mary’s womb.
· He knew of Jesus, his mission to redeem the world, and to make present the Kingdom of God.
· John prepared the way for Jesus’ ministry by teaching about his coming
· He even baptized Jesus in preparation for his public ministry.
· The Father and His Spirit are always there for us to – as they were for John.
· Will you turn to the Spirit and ask for his help?
· You can ask the spirit what your mission is.
· You can ask the Spirit to help you with your mission.
· You can ask the Spirit to keep you connected to God the Father so you can do his will and fulfill His plan for you.

Do Not Miss Jesus, The Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

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