Message of the Week

Many Are Invited But a Few Are Chosen

The Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

We are invited to be in God’s kingdom. The invitation requires a response.  Rejection has consequences.

Even when we come into our faith by tradition or family inheritance we are expected to adhere to the guidance of the faith!

Jesus modeled this behavior for us repeatedly during His ministry when He accepted the company of all – He ate with Pharisees and also kept company with those on the margins of society.  He continued to spread the Good News of the Father’s kingdom to everyone.

We are not here to judge others but to welcome them as God welcomes us. God invites us to be a part of His kingdom.

The way that we respond to others in our daily lives marks the way we respond to God’s invitation.

How did we come into our faith and how prepared are we for full participation?


Readings: Twenty-eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time | USCCB

Render to Ceasar What is Ceasar’s and to God what belongs to God.

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