Message of the Week

The Words That I Have Spoken to You are Spirit and Life

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

In the first reading, Joshua challenges the Israelites to choose whom they will serve.  This decision is crucial for their identity and future. Joshua reminds them of God’s faithfulness and the many ways He has delivered them.

We, too, face choices about our allegiance. We can choose to follow God or be swayed by other influences.  Our commitment to God shapes our lives and our actions.  Choosing God means putting Him first in everything. It means trusting His guidance and following His commandments. This choice is a daily decision, and it requires faith and dedication.

In the Gospel, Jesus talks about the difficulty of His teachings.  Many of His disciples find His words hard to accept and leave Him. Peter, however, reaffirms his faith in Jesus.  Following Jesus is not always easy. It requires accepting difficult truths and making sacrifices. Some may find this too challenging and turn away.

Peter’s confession shows true discipleship. He recognizes Jesus as the Holy One of God and chooses to stay.   The Gospel teaches us the importance of faith and commitment, even when the path is hard.  It encourages us to choose God, live in loving unity, and face the challenges of discipleship and the importance of faith, commitment, and love in our lives.  Let us reflect on these lessons and strive to live them out daily.

With permission form

Twenty-first Sunday in Ordinary Time | USCCB


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