Steps in Completing Your 2019-2020 Application
Friday, January 18, 2019
Application packets available to parents of currently enrolled students this week. Please ask for
a sibling packet if needed.
Friday, January 25, 2019
Currently enrolled students drop off completed packet with registration check of $125.00 per single
student or $175.00 per family to the school office for first priority placement.
Wednesday, January 30, 2019 at 7PM
Open house and tours for parishioners, and interested applicants for the new school year.
Applications Packets Available to New Students On This Day or Online
Application packets available for new students for pick up in the parish office if you were not able
to pick up the forms at the open house. Also, applications will be available to download at under education/dayschool
Monday, February 11, 2019
Application Packets due back on or before this date from new students for consideration for first
priority placement.
By March 1, 2019 (latest date)
Notification of child’s placement to parents of new students by phone or mail before this date. If
your child is placed on the wait list, your check will be returned by mail.
A completed application includes:
1. Completion of Class Choice
2. Completion of Application for Admission and other forms (Not required for existing students)
3. Attached enrollment fee of $125.00 per child or $175.00 per family. Make check payable to
Saint Brigid Day School
4. Make sure you have turned in your parish verification form to YOUR parish.
(Not required for existing students)
5. Advanced Tuition Payment to hold your fall spot received by May 1, 2019 or upon enrollment
Students placed on a class list must provide
1. Copy of student’s birth certificate (newly enrolled only)
2. Immunizations- GA DHR form #3231-Your child’s pediatrician can provide this form to be turned in by August.
3. Saint Brigid Day School Forms (These forms can be downloaded )
A. Health Form (completed by your pediatrician turned in by August)
B. Authorization Form for Emergency Medical Release and Health
C. Signed enrollment agreement (If applicable)
D. Photo Release
E. Advanced Tuition Payment Received
4. A family photograph and 2 child photographs for their classroom
5. Reminder students in our 3, 4 and 5 year old classes must be potty trained