Classes for 2025 to be determined
The Divorced Catholic ‘Recovering from Divorce‘ program is specifically designed to help divorced/separated Catholics. This 13-week program offers support and addresses the most pressing challenges of divorce. The program is designed to help divorced/separated Catholics recover by more fully learning and living their faith.
Our mission is to help get you started–and keep you going– on the path to recovery, rebuilding, and renewal from divorce by providing
you with information, resources, and encouragement.
Based 100% on Catholic teaching and doctrine, Recovering from Divorce will shorten your recovery time, help you regain hope, and restore peace to your life by helping your more fully tap into the power of your Catholic faith.
This 13-week video series and discussion program offers support and addresses the most pressing challenges of divorce. All materials are provided at no cost. The sessions will be held on Thursday evenings.
Please register with Molly Hembree, at or call at 678-393-0060 ext. 107.
What You Will Learn 
Session 1 – Why Does It Hurt So Badly?
Learn why the emotional pain associated with divorce is equal to the grief experienced with the death of a loved one. Learn about the grief cycle and why going through it is so important to fully recover from divorce.
Session 2 – Taking Care of Yourself
This session will teach you how to restore peace and well-being into your life using proven techniques to deal with the physical, emotional and spiritual challenges of divorce.
Session 3- The Power of Prayer
Our Lord, the Blessed Mother, and all the saints are anxious to help at all times, but especially during difficult times. In this session learn the power of prayer and how to pray to our Heavenly allies to ask for their help.
Session 4 – Handling Anger
Anger is a normal emotion, especially when dealing with the reality of divorce. Learn the proper and healthy ways to use anger and the warning signs of when anger is not being channeled properly and what you can do to avoid its destructive consequences.
Session 5 – Why Did God Allow This To Happen?
This session deals squarely with the question of why would a loving God allow you to go through such an emotionally and physically destructive event as a divorce. Learn how God never abandons you no matter how alone you might feel.
Session 6 – Coping with Fear
Next to anger, fear is the most common emotion associated with divorce. By digging into the words of Christ and the Church’s teaching, the session presents solid ways to cope with fear and not allow it to paralyze you or hamper your process in recovering from divorce.
Session 7 – What Does the Church Teach about Divorce
There is so much confusion and wrong information associated with a Catholic experiencing divorce. Can I still be Catholic? Can I still receive the sacraments? Can I ever get married again? What is an annulment and why do I need one? are just some of the questions addressed in this session.
Session 8 – Christ the Great Healer
Christ didn’t stop healing after His ascension into Heaven. He continues His healing ministry in the present time. Learn how to tap into the healing power of the Divine Physician through your Catholic faith to help you fully recover from the wounds of divorce.
Session 9 – Tapping Into the Sacraments
The sacraments are the most powerful gifts Christ gave the Church. Sadly, many Catholics don’t take advantage of them nearly enough. This session teaches the power of the sacraments, especially the Sacraments of the Eucharist and Reconciliation, to heal and provide the graces needed to weather to storm of divorce.
Session 10 – Dealing with Your Former Spouse
One of the most challenging aspects of divorce is dealing with the former spouse. This session gives key strategies in how to deal with a difficult former spouse, how to build a more cooperative relationship with them, and why a good working relationship with your former spouse is key to your children recovering from the divorce.
Session 11 – Helping Children Cope with Divorce
Children are the innocent victims of divorce. This session teaches the essential keys to help your children cope with divorce. It gives concrete strategies for helping your children move past the intense pain and uncertainty of divorce to accepting its reality and thrive.
Session 12- Sex and Dating
The Catholic Church’s belief in the permanence of marriage creates many challenges for the divorced Catholic. This session deals head-on with the question: “Can I date after my divorce?” by providing sound teaching based on 2,000 years of wisdom. This session gives solid strategies for grappling with the challenges of being “single” again.
Session 13 – Keeping the Momentum
The session reviews the key elements of the Program to help ensure you will continue to heal and recover from divorce once the Program is over. You will learn eight essentials for keeping the momentum and living what you have learned.
For more information and resources visit