
“Ushering is so important to us because we are the absolute first impression people get when coming to worship”.

Our Ushers are often the first faces our parishioners or visitors see as they enter the church.   In addition to sharing a friendly and welcoming face, our ushers assist in seating people at Mass, provide coordination for the orderly reception of Communion and assist clergy as needed.

The Ushers are men and women who assist at all daily and all weekend Masses to create a warm and friendly atmosphere. Their duties include greeting parishioners as they enter the Sanctuary, directing parishioners to their seats, assisting the parishioners during the receipt of communion, and assisting the parishioners as they exit the church after Mass. The Ushers also help by gathering the collection from the baskets in the Narthex after Mass concludes.

If you like to help others and can use your gifts to be an Usher.  If you are interested in joining this critical ministry, please contact Lee Keller.  Training will be provided.

Time:  Weekly Mass assignments are made on a volunteer basis using Signup Genius.

Lee Keller


Usher Coordinator

Water Turned off at Main Church & Holy Redeemer Saturdays March 8th & 15th 6:00 am - 4:00 pmWater Announcement Details