Holy Hour for the Legal Protection of Unborn Children

Please mark your calendars to attend the 2025 Holy Hour for Life. We need participants for the Rose Procession to represent those born from 1973 to this year, symbolizing the lives lost to abortion since Roe v. Wade became law.
This is a solemn reminder not only of the lives lost but also of the progress made by the pro-life movement, particularly the 2024 Supreme Court decision overturning Roe.
Still, our work is not done! Many state laws still pose significant dangers to unborn children and their mothers.
If your child or grandchild was born in one of these years, please sign up and have any family member carry their picture in the procession.
Respect Life Ministry: Procession For Life – 2025
Thank you!
Respect Life Baby Shower
Mother’s Day Weekend

Thank you all for working the last two weekends on the crib drive! I know it was a couple very busy few weekends with graduations and first Holy Communion and Mother’s Day. What special times and blessings!! T hanks for making time to help out!
With the crib being just outside Corbett Hall (because of the weather) we did not quite have the donations we usually do for this event. We only got about 1/3 of the usual number of things donated. We use these gifts and gift cards all year long for what we do with the ministry. If you know anyone who still wants to donate something they can do so and drop if off at the parish or they can donate through this QR code.
Here is a list of things we use most that we did not get many of- For instance we only got 2 diaper bags. We give away the backpack diaper bags so that would be a great donation.
We only had a couple of the baby bath products which are always in use and demand, so another item needed. We only received two Bottle sets as well. Any of the items listed below are good to help with if you have not donated and want to.
Thanks to all of you who gave items!!!
Three Ways to Support Walking with Moms in Need
- BUY ONE OF THESE ITEMS: Wipes, Diapers Newborn/size 1 or 2, and size 5 needed, Boppy pillow, Bottle set (Dr. Brown preferred), baby bath washing items, Activity floor mat, Baby utensils, Crib Sheets, Crib mattress pad protector, Diaper Bag-backpack style preferred, Baby Grooming Kit, Baby pacifiers, Baby Monitor, diaper rash cream.
- BUY A GIFT CARD for our ministry to purchase items: Walmart, Amazon, Publix, Kroger, any gas card, Chick-fil-A; Please write amount on gift card and attach activation receipt and deposit in the secure dropbox at the parish office.
- DONATE ONLINE directly to our ministry at:
Respect Life-Walking with Moms in Need | Saint Brigid Catholic Church (myvanco.com)
Help provide a Meal-
Angel just delivered her twins prematurely by C Section last Friday! Meet sweet girl named Ocean and precious boy named Onyx. Onyx and Mom will leave the hospital to go home tomorrow, and Ocean goes home Thursday. Please help ease her load by providing a meal or sending a Doordash gift card. (Angel’s email address: parkerangel1997@gmail.com)
Very Important Petition: Ask Costco to NOT begin selling the abortion drug mifepristone:
Thank you to all our volunteers.
Cathy Schneider, Coordinator
National Life Chain
The National Life Chain
Sunday, October 6th, from 2:30 – 3:30 PM, we meet in the parking lot at 2:00 PM.
The first Sunday of October is observed as Respect Life Sunday in the Catholic Church. As Catholics, we are called to cherish, defend, and protect those who are most vulnerable, from conception to its natural end.
We participate in this nationally coordinated event, where churches all across the country will stand in silent prayer for one hour to honor the sanctity of life. Please join our parish in taking a stand for life on the sidewalks in front of our church.
The Knights of Columbus will provide a free light lunch at 2:00 PM in the parking lot before heading to the sidewalk to pray. Families are welcomed and encouraged as we stand to honor the dignity of all life from conception to natural death. Signs are provided and if needed you may bring a chair to sit in if you cannot stand for an hour. We invite you to join in this wonderful stand for life.
Holy Hour for Life, Respect Life Month
Monday, October 7, 2024 7:00 PM – Chapel
Please join us for one hour before the Blessed Sacrament to pray for life. The hour will be led by Deacon Leo Gahafer.
Life at all stages is a gift from God—whether it is the life of the unborn in the womb or life outside the womb for those suffering from disabilities, abuse, or neglect. During this Holy Hour in front of the Blessed Sacrament, we will pray for the vast number of babies not allowed to be born, for the poor whose lives are made difficult, for men and women who are victims of brutal violence, for the elderly and the sick killed by indifference or out of misguided mercy. Our prayers may lift their spirits and perhaps even bring about a change in their condition, thereby bringing them peace.
Most everyone knows of someone who is in need of prayer — whether it be family, friends, or acquaintances. Please join us whenever you can during this important Holy Hour to bring them consolation and peace.
Respect Life Dinner and Movie – Sound of Hope

Saturday, January 25th at 6:00 pm in Corbett Hall
The Respect Life Ministry will be hosting a Dinner and Movie night featuring a true story about adoption. The movie from Angel Studios called “Sound of Hope, The Story of Possom Trot”, the beautiful and moving story of Donna and Reverend WC Martin and their church in East Texas, in which 22 families adopted 77 children from the local foster system.
Our very own foster parents, Patricia and Urmil, will be speaking at this event about their foster-to-adopt story. Dinner will be catered by Ippolitos for $12.00/person. We hope you can make it to this wonderful event that will feature the Fostering Love Ministry!
Georgia March for Life
Monday, January 22, 2024 – 7:00 PM, Georgia State Capitol

Archdiocese of Atlanta to Join the Georgia Life Alliance for Pro-Life Rally
The St. Brigid Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a bus to transport parishioners to the 2024 Georgia March for Life to be held at the Capitol on February 22. Ride in fellowship and don’t worry about parking. The bus will leave the church parking lot at 8:30 AM Thursday morning, so attendees should plan on being in the parking lot no later than 8:15 AM.
Sign up is via the link below, and seats are available on a first come, first serve basis. There will be a single bus that can seat up to 55 attendees and the cost will be covered by the Knights of Columbus. Please feel free to invite family and friends to this important event. The bus will be returning to the church parking lot at approximately 3 PM. For more details and speaker information about this event please visit Georgia March for Life – March for Life.

Please contact Brian Bimonte at mifla@bellsouth.net for additional information. Sign up at: 2024 March for Life Signup or QR Code.