Knights of Columbus

Membership in this Fraternal Order is open to Catholic men in union with the Holy See.  Membership provides an opportunity for fellowship with those who believe in duty to God, family, neighbors and country and stand unified in defense of those beliefs.  Programs are organized to appeal to those interested in assisting our priests, the homeless, the disabled, parish families, and veterans.

Time:  Council Meetings (General Members) 6:10 pm – 8:10 pm every 4th Tuesday of the month, Assembly Meetings (General 4th Degree Members) 6:10 pm  – 8:30 pm every 2nd Thursday of the month.

  • Leadership (Officers):  Officers typically serve for a two-year term.  Each has specific responsibilities in overseeing the normal business functions of the Council and Assembly.  Positions are established to cover operational, financial, membership, and physical facilities.  Our pastor covers the spiritual area for both the Council and the Assembly.
  • Fundraising:  Monies raised through KoC fundraising events support various church ministries and charitable organizations.  Major fundraising events include Lenten Fish Dinners, Saint Patty’s Day Dance, Breakfast with Santa, and Vidalia Onion Sales.
  • Priest Support:  Knights assist the pastor in activities related to the parish such as parking assistance for holiday Masses, serving at the Parish Newcomers Receptions, providing Honor Guards for special liturgies (Communion, Confirmation, etc…), and property clean-up days.
  • Philanthropy:  Knights provide homeless assistance, disabled assistance, and family support with funds and service hours.  The following organizations are served:  Habitat for Humanity, Family Promise Program, Men’s and Women’s Shelters, S.M.I.L.E., People with Intellectual Disabilities, and Special Olympics, St. Vincent DePaul Society, the Parish Picnic in September, Adopt-a-Family, Respect Life Ministry, and Youth Soccer and Basketball Challenges.
  •  Veterans:  Knights provide Veteran Support by hosting a yearly formal dinner for Veterans and their families, working closely with the Johns Creek Veterans Association on various projects, distributing American Legion Poppies after all Memorial Day weekend masses, and distributing American Flags after all Veterans Day weekend masses.

   Go directly to our council’s website at

Raymond Greenfield


Knights of Columbus Grand Knight