The Holy Hour of Divine Mercy

Sunday, April 7, 2024, 3:00 PM – Sanctuary

Deacon Ron Leidenfrost invites you and your families to pray in Adoration before Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament for the Holy Hour of Divine Mercy; seeking God’s mercy for ourselves and for our nation, for offenses against life, marriage, and religious liberty.  This hour recalls Christ’s death on the cross and will include His reflection, Exposition, praying the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, and Benediction.   The Sunday of Divine Mercy provides an important opportunity to share Christ’s message of mercy, especially with those who have been wounded by abortion.

The Feast of Divine Mercy is celebrated on the 2nd Sunday of Easter (the Sunday following Easter Sunday).  The Feast of Divine Mercy celebrates the fact that even now, Jesus calls us to immerse ourselves in his mercy and love. This feast focuses on God’s continuing merciful action throughout salvation history to this day!  After his Resurrection, Jesus took great care to show his apostles his hands and side, pointing to the wounds of the Passion, especially the wound in his heart, the source from which flows the great wave of mercy poured out on humanity.

Come experience the mercy and healing of our Lord.  The Divine Mercy devotion has grown greatly in popularity. Pope John Paul II declared the Second Sunday of Easter Divine Mercy Sunday when he canonized the Polish saint, Faustina Kowalska on April 30, 2000.  St. Faustina’s revelations put a great emphasis on this day as a “day of mercy”.  The familiar image of the Divine Mercy pictures two beams of light radiating from the heart of Christ, imaging the “water and blood” we hear about in 1 John 5:6.  The Divine Mercy chaplet is prayed using rosary beads with special texts emphasizing the saving Passion of Christ and prayers to assist us through this trying time of COVID-19.

This will conclude the nine days of the Divine Mercy Novena which began on Good Friday.    

Resources on St. Faustina and the Divine Mercy:

What to do on Divine Mercy Sunday

and download this highly-rated mobile APP to assist you with your Divine Mercy Devotions:

Download App (iOS)
Download App (Android)

Jesus: ‘My child, life on earth is a struggle indeed; a great struggle for my kingdom. But fear not, because you are not alone. I am always supporting you, so lean on Me as you struggle, fearing nothing. Take the vessel of trust and draw from the fountain of life – for yourself, but also for other souls, especially such as are distrustful of My goodness.’
Saint Mary Faustina Kowalska
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