Sursum Corda

Sursum Corda (Gregorian Chant Schola)

Sursum Corda is a Schola Cantorum (School of Singers) dedicated to Sacred Music, especially Gregorian Chant. The Schola sings at various Masses through the year, frequently in conjunction with the Choir of Saint Brigid. The Schola sings Victoria’s Passion according to John on Good Friday and serves at the Easter Vigil.

The group’s repertoire includes selections from the following sources:

  • Graduale Romanum (Solesmes, 1974)
  • Plainchant Gradual (Our Lady of Walsingham, 1923)
  • Introits for the Church Year (Healey Willan, edited Jonathan Eason, 2022)

It also includes polyphonic works by composers old and new, renowned and obscure, including Orlando di Lasso, Tomás Luís de Victoria, Maurice Duruflé, Joseph Rheinberger, and others.

This ensemble is actively seeking singers; it is open by interview with the Director. For this group, it is important to be able to read music. It is also helpful if you can read neumes, but training in square notes is provided. To join Sursum Corda, contact Jonathan Eason to arrange a meeting.

Jonathan Eason

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