Pastor's Corner

2013 09-01 We Honor Those Who Labor For a Living

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From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy:

This month on September 2nd, we celebrate Labor Day and honor those who labor for a living.  Our bishops remind us that labor helps raise our families, develop our potential, share in God’s creation, and contribute to the common good. In our gospel today (Luke 14: 1, 7-14), Jesus tells us that one who humbles himself will be exalted. A laborer humbles himself; he toils; he usually sacrifices primarily for the benefit of his family. As disciples, we toil; we sacrifice not only for the benefit of our family but also for the benefit of our faith. In essence, we are laborers in the vineyard of the Lord. 

One of our scripture commentators reminds us that Catholics believe labor can be sanctified through our willingness to engage in it, and in the process, we can grow in holiness. As we embrace this call to labor, we are encouraged to strengthen our devotion to St. Joseph the Worker who taught Christ how to be diligent in His own labors. This Labor Day weekend when we gratefully honor our laborers, we are challenged to reaffirm our commitment to labor for the Lord. This need to honor our laborers and do our part as laborers for the Lord is reflected in this wonderful prayer provided by one of our Catholic spiritual organizations.


On this weekend, when we rest from our usual labors, loving Father, we pray for all who shoulder the tasks of human labor – in the marketplace, in factories and of.ices, in the professions, and in family living.

We thank you, Lord, for the gift and opportunity of work, may our efforts always be pure of heart, for the good of others and the glory of your name.

We lift up to you all who long for just employment and those who work to defend the rights and needs of workers everywhere.

May those of us who are now retired always remember that we still make a valuable contribution to our Church and our world by our prayers and deeds of charity.

May our working and our resting all give praise to you until the day we share together in eternal rest with all our departed in your kingdom as you live and reign Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.



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