Pastor's Corner

2015 01-04 The Feast of the Epiphany

Written by:

From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy
This Friday, Fr. Tri will be conducting a question and answer session about the Catholic faith. He will address any questions or concerns people may have. One of the purposes of this session is to encourage Catholics who have left the active practice of the faith to return to their spiritual home. I think it is fair to say that most of us have friends, relatives, siblings, co-workers, or neighbors who have fallen away from the Church. But no matter how long they have been away, they can always come back. They can start coming to Mass. They can start becoming part of a parish community. They can start participating in the life of the Church. As disciples, we are challenged to assist those who are considering a return to the Church. They need our guidance; they need our support; they need our encouragement; they need our prayers.

As we invite others back to the Church, we also acknowledge we celebrate this Sunday a great feast day of our Church. It is the Feast of the Epiphany. As we celebrate this feast, we think of the wise men who were on a difficult journey of faith to encounter the Lord. As we know they faced many obstacles on their journey, including the danger and discomfort involved in traveling a long distance.

As we know, we also face obstacles on our journey of faith. Fortunately for us as disciples, we have help to overcome these obstacles. Like these wise men, we do not undertake our spiritual journey alone. Like these wise men, we are part of a community, a brotherhood, a family of faith. One of our leading Catholic authors reminds us that we are wise to be part of this community, this brotherhood, this family because we cannot journey successfully alone. We need each other’s guidance; we need each other’s support; we need each other’s encouragement; we need each other’s prayers.

As we reflect on this wonderful feast of the Epiphany, in the spirit of the wise men, we are invited to persevere on our journey of faith. As we strive for perseverance, Pope Francis has challenged us, as Catholics, to be a more integral part of the Church. He recently stated that being part of the Church means “…sharing spiritual goods – the sacraments, charisms and charity”, including helping someone or praying for those in need. He spoke of the bond of unity and sharing that should mark the lives of all Christians on their spiritual journey. We can support each other, encourage each other, work with each other, and pray for each other on the way. As we begin this New Year, as disciples, we can lift each other up spiritually as we reaffirm our commitment to strive to give honor and glory to the Lord who loves us.

Best wishes to you and your families for a happy, healthy, and holy New Year.

2015 01-25 Dr. Martin Luther King Day and Mustard Seed Communities
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