Pastor's Corner

2015 02-08 Please Welcome Deacon Brian Campbell

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From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy
The Catholic Church provides an opportunity for men to serve as Permanent Deacons. Those men who are called to the Diaconate can be married, and they are ordained usually after a rigorous period of five years of training and formation. One of our parishioners, Brian Campbell, was ordained as a Deacon by Archbishop Gregory at the Cathedral of Christ the King on Saturday, February 7th. He serves on the altar as an ordained cleric at Saint Brigid for the first time at the 10:45 a.m. Mass on Sunday, February 8th.

As a Deacon, Brian will assist our Church in many ways. As we may know, baptism is the gateway to the other sacraments. Deacon Brian will prepare families for the baptism of their children. He will also preside at the celebration of the sacrament.

Deacons also take an active role in the sacrament of marriage. This Sunday we celebrate World Marriage Day. On this day, we reflect in a very special way this noble vocation. World Marriage Day focuses our attention on the need for faithfulness, which is at the very foundation of sacramental marriage. Deacon Brian will assist couples in the preparation and planning of the celebration of marriage and will witness marriages as deemed necessary. He will also counsel couples who marriages are troubled in some way, and will also counsel those whose marriages have not endured for one reason or another. He will advise them to seek the healing they need, especially when appropriate through the Catholic process of annulment.

Deacons are also called to be servant leaders, and Deacon Brian will serve our faith community by participating in various outreach projects including working with the Saint Vincent DePaul Society and other important ministries. He will strive to help the sick, the struggling, and the marginalized find the spiritual and material assistance they need. He will also be involved in ecumenical outreach to enhance dialogue and understanding with those of other faith traditions.

Teaching the faith is another way Deacons can assist our parishioners. Deacon Brian will work with our religious education staff, and teach classes on the sacraments and on other Church related topics to those participating in our Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA) and Adult Education programs.

Serving on the altar and preaching the word of God are also very important responsibilities given to our Deacons. Deacon Brian will assist on the altar at Mass and will preach at Mass at times deemed appropriate.

As we can see, Deacon Brian will be assisting our faith community at Saint Brigid in many ways. Please welcome our newest Deacon and pray for him as he continues on his journey of faith.

2015 02-02 The Feast Day of Saint Brigid
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2015 01-18 The Mass for the Unborn and Stand for Life
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