Pastor's Corner

2016 09-18 Mustard Seed Communities – We Are Called to Love All Children of God

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From our pastor, Father Neil Herlihy

Pope Francis has a great love and concern for all children of God. He has a special love and concern for children struggling with serious illness or disability. He recently stated, “Yet what an illusion it is when people today shut their eyes in the face of sickness and disability! They fail to understand the real meaning of life, which also has to do with accepting suffering and limitations.” He went on to state that, “The way we experience illness and disability is an index of the love we are ready to offer.” He also made it clear that the “happiness that everyone desires” can only be expressed and attained “if we are capable of loving.”

As disciples, we are called to love all children of God including those with serious illness or disability. As mentioned previously this is what the Mustard Seed Community (“MSC”) strives to do. MSC started in Jamaica in 1978 and later expanded to Nicaragua and other nations. MSC reaches out to the poor, the sick, and the marginalized. It strives to find the face of Christ in those who they meet and to remind us of the fundamental dignity of the human person. MSC cares for several hundred children with special physical and mental needs, many of whom were abandoned. A majority of them cannot communicate in normal ways. However, through the efforts of trained therapists and loving volunteers, they learn to communicate through other ways. Their leaders remind us that all of these children are made in the image and likeness of God and are a window into knowing and loving Christ.

This Sunday Monsignor Gregory Ramkissoon and Fr. Garvin Augustine of the Mustard Seed Community are here to say thank you to the Saint Brigid faith community for our ongoing support. Some of our parishioners have adopted children of MSC. Others have supported MSC spiritually, financially, and physically. Through our prayers, mission trips, fundraising endeavors, and in many other ways, Saint Brigid parishioners strive to enhance the Parish’s sense of involvement and commitment to the abandoned and physically and mentally challenged children who are so warmly embraced by MSC staff and volunteers.

On behalf of Monsignor Gregory and Fr. Garvin, I thank you for all you do for all of God’s children, especially those of the Mustard Seed Community. Through our prayers and support of the work of MSC, we continue to change many lives for the better, and also change our own hearts in the process.

Gratefully Yours in Christ,

Fr. Neil Herlihy

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