As we reflect on the contributions of Dr. King, we are reminded that he has a niece named Alveda King. As we have mentioned in the past, she is a Christian woman. She is a mother and a grandmother. She is also a strong pro-life advocate residing here in Georgia. She often speaks about the sanctity of human life at schools and churches, and states that full rights for all should include the rights of the unborn. Mrs. King reminds us that as we acknowledge the strides our country has made in overcoming racial injustice, we cannot ignore another grave injustice that continues in our time. It is the injustice of the callous disregard for human life, especially the life of the unborn. Mrs. King has reaffirmed her belief in the sanctity and protection of all human life from conception to natural death. She has urged us to place our faith in Jesus, the Divine Healer, and to continue to strive to change hearts and minds to correct this grave injustice.
As we reflect on the sentiments of Mrs. King, we are reminded that this coming Friday, Archbishop Gregory will celebrate a special Mass for the Unborn at the Cathedral of Christ the King in Atlanta. Prior to this Mass, we will celebrate a Mass and Prayer Vigil for Life on Thursday evening in our Day Chapel at Saint Brigid. Details concerning these liturgies are included in the bulletin. The liturgies will bring attention to the 1973 Roe vs. Wade decision of the United States Supreme Court which effectively legalized abortion in this country and which is clearly contrary to Catholic teaching concerning the fundamental dignity of the human person.
We are invited to follow the example of Mrs. King and Archbishop Gregory and reaffirm our commitment to welcome the joy of new life as a gift from God, and to support all life from conception until natural death. We are also invited to attend the liturgies on Thursday and Friday and to pray, and to love as we continue to bear witness to the Gospel of Life.