Pastor's Corner

2019 11-10   We Remember All Who Sacrificed For our Country

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

This coming Monday we celebrate Veterans Day.  At this time we remember in a special way our men and women who served in the military and who sacrificed so much through their dedicated commitment to our country.   The Johns Creek Memorial Walk, located in Newtown Park, serves as a vivid and sobering reminder of the contributions to the defense of our nation made by our men and women in the armed forces throughout the years.  Members of the Saint Brigid Knights of Columbus, many of whom are Veterans, assisted in the construction of the Memorial Walk.

The following prayer called “TO BE REWARDED” by Bob Hostetler was published by the media outlet “Guideposts”, and asks Our Heavenly Father to bless and reward our Veterans for their faithful service:

Father, please turn your gaze to these men and women who in their military service have sacrificed time, comfort, strength, ambition, health and prosperity for the peace and safety of family and friends and others they’ve never even known.

Please reward them a hundredfold for all their sacrifice and service.  Bless them far beyond all their expectations.  Reward them richly for all they have given.  Amen.

As we reflect on this prayer, we should also remember the great sacrifices made by military chaplains who are Veterans and who have faithfully served the spiritual needs of our men and women in the armed forces and their families.  Our Holy Father Pope Francis has a great appreciation for military chaplains.  In an address to priests preparing to assume duties as military chaplains, he stated, “The role of the military chaplain is to accompany and support (men and women) in their journey, being for all of them a consoling and fraternal presence.  You can pour on the wounds of these persons the balm of the Word of God, which alleviates the pains and infuses hope; and you can offer them the grace of the Eucharist and of Reconciliation, which nourish and regenerate the afflicted soul.”

As we consider these profound words of Pope Francis, we are reminded that many of us know priests who have served as military chaplains.  We also have loved ones who have served our country well and now have Veteran status.  Whether our Veterans served at home or abroad, we should not allow their service to be ignored or minimized, or their sacrifice is taken for granted.

We are encouraged to assure our chaplains, family members, relatives, friends and neighbors who have unselfishly served our nation in the armed forces of our gratitude and our respect.  As citizens of this nation, we truly appreciate their service.

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