Pastor's Corner

2019 11-17   Invite Your Neighbors and Friends to Consider Becoming Members of our Saint Brigid Faith Community

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

Periodically we sponsor a “Newcomers Social” and invite all those who are new to the Parish to join us for an evening of food and fellowship at the Parish rectory.  The gathering is a way to welcome newcomers into our faith community.  Those who have recently joined our community are invited to meet our priests and deacons, and some of the lay leaders of our Parish.  In attendance we have representatives of our Welcoming Committee, the Men of Saint Brigid, the Moms Group, the Circle of Sisters, the Knights of Columbus, the Pastoral Council, and also coordinators of certain other Parish ministries and programs.

During the course of the evening, our clergy and coordinators interact with our newcomers, informing them of various Parish activities, events and opportunities.  Many of our newcomers are not familiar with this geographical area, and so we discuss opportunities, concerns and challenges in relocating to this local environment.  Our coordinators answer questions and address any concerns our newcomers may have.  They also speak to those who are new about their own experiences when they first joined our faith community.
While being sensitive to family, employment, education and other concerns and challenges, they encourage our newcomers to become active members of our Parish family and do their part to enhance the spiritual vitality of our Saint Brigid faith community.

This past Friday we had our latest “Newcomers Social.”  Many of our newcomers appreciated the opportunity to engage in a time for food and fellowship.  The pictures provided taken at a prior gathering provide a sense of this spirit-filled event.

Our clergy and lay leaders encourage you to invite your neighbors and friends to prayerfully consider becoming members of our Saint Brigid faith community.

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