Pastor's Corner

2020 11-01   We Celebrate the Solemnity of All Saints and All Souls Day

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

This Sunday we celebrate All Saints Day.  On this day, we remember those men and women who came before us marked with the sign of faith.  As Catholics, we are invited to follow the example of our great saints.  We can strive to model our behavior after them and follow their holy way of life.  We are challenged to learn from them and to learn more about them.  They can teach us so much about living, loving, and serving.

This Monday we commemorate All Souls Day.  It is a day to honor and pray for our deceased relatives, friends, neighbors, parishioners, co-workers, and all who shared their lives with us.  Commenting on this day, Pope Francis stated, “Sadness mixes with hope and this is what we all feel today in this celebration: the memory of our loved ones, … and hope.  But we also feel that this hope helps, because we, too, have to make a journey.  All of us will make this journey – sooner or later.  But with the flower of hope, with that strong thread of hope that is anchored in the hereafter.”   Our Holy Father encouraged us to attend Mass and receive the Eucharist on this day noting that it is the best spiritual gift that we can give to the souls who have gone before us.

This Thursday at 7 p.m., we will celebrate a Mass of Remembrance in the Church as we honor the memory of those loved ones who have died, including those who have died recently.  A litany of names and an offering of roses with appropriate lighting of candles will mark this special occasion.

As Catholics, we strive to honor our dead and to bring spiritual peace and consolation to families who grieve for their loved ones.  Grieving is part of our human condition and can help us on the path to healing.  I want to thank all those who give of their time to participate in our bereavement and grief caring ministries, and who do so much to assist families in their time of mourning and sorrow.  They truly are a blessing to our faith community.

As we reflect on our saints and deceased loved ones, we invite you to join us for our liturgies on All Saints Day and on All Souls Day, and at the Mass of Remembrance as we honor them in a special way.  Details concerning these liturgies can be found in the Parish bulletin and on the Parish website.


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