Pastor's Corner

2021 10-03 Respect Life Month – Life Chain and the Holy Hour for Life

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

This Sunday we celebrate Respect Life Sunday.  We are reminded that God is the Creator of all life, and all life is precious in His sight.  Our Holy Father, Pope Francis has called on the faithful to promote the dignity of all human life from conception until natural death.  He encouraged the faithful to promote the Gospel of Life, and protect and cherish the lives of the unborn, the elderly, the physically and mentally challenged.

In an address to Catholic healthcare professionals, he stated, “Every child who, rather than being born, is condemned unjustly to be aborted, bears the face of Jesus Christ, bears the face of the Lord, who even before He was born, and then just after birth experienced the world’s rejection.  And every elderly person…even if he is ill or at the end of his days, bears the face of Christ.  They cannot be discarded, as the ‘culture of waste’ suggests!”

The following prayer on the right, called “A Pro-Life Prayer” reflects the sentiments of Pope Francis and helps us to appreciate the precious gift of life.

God of all goodness, you have entrusted us with the gift of life.
Help us to appreciate that gift from the first moments of conception to the last breaths of old age.
Send your strength to all those who defend the unborn, the weak, and the dying against attempts to cut short their lives.
May your Holy Spirit touch the hearts of those who are tempted to choose the way of death rather than life.
Grant that your people may always be a sign of your love in the world. Amen.

As we reflect on this prayer and the profound words of Pope Francis, this Sunday we are invited to reaffirm our support for the precious gift of life.  There will be a series of “Life Chains” which will be conducted throughout the Archdiocese of Atlanta.  We are invited to participate in the “Life Chain” that will be held between 2:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. on Old Alabama Road in an area which will include the space in front of our Church. The “Life Chain” will be a peaceful, public, and prayerful witness concerning the dignity of all life, especially the lives of the unborn.  We will pray for our nation and its people and we will be exercising our responsibility to speak out on behalf of the value of life.

We are challenged to commit ourselves publicly to the protection of all human life as we strive to enhance the moral integrity of our great nation.   If we cannot be at the “Life Chain” in Johns Creek this Sunday, we are invited to speak for the most vulnerable through prayer in the silence of our hearts.

May God continue to bless you and your families for all you do to embrace a culture of life.

2021 10-17  Our Lady of the Rosary
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