Pastor's Corner

2022 02-20   Archbishop Annual Appeal 2022 “Transformed in Christ”

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

This weekend we initiate discussion of the Archbishop’s Annual Appeal for 2022 at our Masses.   The theme of the Appeal is “Transformed in Christ.” At this time, Catholics are invited to make a significant pledge so that we can meet the spiritual, educational, and temporal needs of our parishes and their people.

A substantial portion of our contributions to the Appeal provide funds that go directly to the training and support of future happy, holy, and healthy priests needed to serve the Church of tomorrow.  Just this past June, after many years of study and formation, parishioner Robbie Cotta was ordained a priest to serve in the Archdiocese of Atlanta.

Our contributions are also used for the training and formation of permanent deacons.  Earlier this month, long-time parishioner Geza Gereben was ordained to the Permanent Diaconate.  In addition, parishioner Joseph Young continues in the diaconate formation program.

As you can see, our support of the Annual Appeal is clearly bearing fruit.  Men are discerning the call to the priesthood and diaconate.  Through your generosity and your prayers, vocations are being embraced as we go forth in service of the one, holy, Catholic, and apostolic Church.

In addition, the Appeal supports Catholic Charities which strives to assist those in need.  A special emphasis continues to be placed on those in need due primarily to the sustained impact of the COVID-19 virus.  Catholic Charities also continues to make an exerted effort to assist homeless military veterans in the Atlanta area and in other local counties to stabilize their lives with housing and employment assistance.

The Appeal also supports priest retirement programs as well as other Archdiocesan pastoral outreach, education, and formation programs that serve our Parish as well as our larger Church community.

We invite you to prayerfully consider making a pledge to the 2022 Appeal, and ask you to give generously and sacrificially.  We thank all who have already given via the mail or online.

For those who have not yet contributed, we ask you to make a commitment using a pledge envelope that will be provided during Mass this weekend.  Information about the Appeal has been provided in the Church Bulletin and on the Parish website.

My brothers and sisters in Christ, we are challenged to support the Appeal and respond in faith as we strive to answer our call to discipleship.  Thank you for all you do for our Church community.

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