Pastor's Corner

2023 09-09  We Shall Never Forget

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

This Monday marks the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.  We as a nation recall the tragic deaths and injuries that occurred at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and on the fields of Shanksville, Pennsylvania.  We also remember the firefighters, police, and others who gave their lives or who were injured that day in the line of duty.

For many people, this anniversary is commemorated as a day of prayer for peace.  This day of prayer helps us to remember not only the events of that tragic day but also reminds us of the dangers that continue to confront us in an unstable world.  As Catholics, we are challenged to respond in faith to the pressing concerns of our brothers and sisters in need and to remember in a special way all those who suffered in some way on that fateful day of September 11, 2001, and who may still be suffering.  We continue to pray for those in the military who defend our freedoms, especially those serving in the Middle East and other areas of potential conflict throughout the world.  In addition, we pray for their families and the military Chaplains who assist them.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops prepared a publication, “9/11: Reflections and Remembrances”.  Included are comments by prominent members of the clergy concerning that fateful day.  In the publication, a Chaplain, Father Paul Wierichs stated, “People came together in unity this day.  We can all remember where we were on “9/11” because we were all together.”   In addition, Monsignor Robert J. Romano noted, “The years have gone by, but the memories remain for all who were involved in that one single day and in its aftermath that changed the lives of so many and of our nation.”  Similar comments by many others cause this day to be etched in our memories.

The following “9/11” prayer by Derek Weber of Discipleship Ministries still resonates with us today:

On this day of solemn remembrance:
May we honor the lives that were lost in this tragic act.
May we give thanks to those who served and saved, and rendered aid and assistance.
May we give comfort to those who live with loss.
May we seek justice and peace where it is within our ability, and rely on You when the ability escapes us.
On this day of solemn remembrance:
May we build what has been torn down.
May we mend what has been broken.
May we live Your love when hate seems to reign.
May we bear witness to the cause of peace.  Amen.

As we reflect on this prayer, we are also encouraged to pray for peace among nations.  We continue to ask for the special intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Queen of Peace, as we pray for peace in our world, peace in our homes, and peace in our hearts.


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