Pastor's Corner

2023 12-03   Be watchful and vigilant as we wait in joyful anticipation for the coming of the Lord.

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

This Sunday begins the Season of Advent.  It is a special time in the Church year as we prepare for the coming of the Lord.  Advent holds out the hope and desire to see the light of Christ shine through the darkness of our world.

As reported in the publication, “Vatican News”, in an Advent message, Pope Francis stated that Advent is the time we can be “shaken out” of our lethargy and awakened “from our slumber” to be vigilant always.  We can ask ourselves if we are alert and vigilant and if we “recognize God’s presence in daily situations” saying that if we are unaware of this reality today, we will be unprepared when He arrives at the end of times.

As we reflect on these words of Our Holy Father, and as we begin our Advent Season, we are pleased to sponsor an Advent Parish Mission presented by Fr. Kevin Peek, a priest in the Archdiocese of Atlanta.  Fr. Peek is an articulate communicator and experienced spiritual leader.  He has also served as a military Chaplain, with tours in Iraq and Afghanistan.  He currently serves as the Coordinator of the Prison Ministry for the Archdiocese of Atlanta.

A Parish Mission can be viewed as an opportunity for spiritual reflection and conversion.  It also can provide an opportunity to change hearts and transform lives as we renew and strengthen our relationship with Our Lord.

At this special time, we are urged to remain watchful and vigilant as we wait in joyful anticipation for the coming of the Lord.  This Christmas we are invited to give the Lord the gift of a pure heart by being spiritually prepared for His coming.  Fr. Peek will focus on Eucharistic Renewal and the coming of the Christ Child.  There will be time for prayer and reflection.  The message of Father Peek should resonate with all people of goodwill including families, young adults, and teens.

We invite you to come to this Mission.  Please invite your loved ones and friends, especially those Catholics who may have been away from the Church for some time and for some reason.  Through God’s grace, you may be instrumental in getting your loved ones and friends to return to the precious faith we love and cherish.

The Advent Mission will take place this Tuesday, December 5th to Wednesday, December 6th.  There will be both morning and evening sessions for your convenience.  Details concerning the Mission can be obtained from the Parish bulletin and website as well as from the Parish office.  We invite you to participate in the Parish Mission and avail yourself of this special time of grace.


2023 12-10  We Continue our Advent Journey with Mother Mary and Advent Mission
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2023 11-25  Remember what Christ means to us, what Christ did for us, and that we are called to serve the King of Kings.
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