Pastor's Corner

2024 03-17 Congratulations to Tricia Borah and Ben Whitehead, the Saint Brigid Woman and Teen of the Year

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

Archbishop Hartmayer will celebrate Mass at 10:30 am at Our Lady of the Assumption Catholic Church on Saturday, April 6th honoring the Woman and Teen of the Year for each of those parishes which are members of the Atlanta Archdiocesan Council of Catholic Women.  Tricia Borah has been chosen as Woman of the Year, and Ben Whitehead has been chosen as Teen of the Year for Saint Brigid Parish.   We truly appreciate their many important contributions to our parish as we strive to sustain and enhance the spiritual vitality of our faith community.  They inspire us with their example of generous and unselfish service.  Tricia and Ben have certainly exhibited love of God and love of neighbor as they continue their journey of faith.

Tricia serves our faith community in many different ways.  She supervises our Special Needs Ministry and serves as a faithful volunteer in our Youth Ministry program.  Tricia is also active in our Mustard Seed and Women of Saint Brigid Ministries.  She has served as a guardian for Eucharistic Adoration and has actively participated in Christ Renews His Parish, now known as our “Welcome” program.  In all that she does, Tricia finds great joy in serving the Lord and serving the faith community of Saint Brigid.

Ben serves as a teen leader for our Youth Ministry and Confirmation programs.  He also ushers and lectors at Mass.  Ben has a great appreciation for the Eucharist and constantly seeks ways to grow in holiness and invites others to grow with him.  He shares the gospel message in word and deed through bible studies and summer mission trips.  In his words and in his actions, he gives witness as a true disciple of Christ.  Ben interacts well with his peers and sets a great example for them.  He is held in high esteem by his Youth Ministry coordinators and core group.

On behalf of the priests, deacons, staff and parishioners of Saint Brigid, I congratulate Tricia and Ben for the honors they will soon receive.


2024 03-24 Palm Sunday, we begin our journey toward Easter.
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