Pastor's Corner

2024 06-19  A Fathers Love is Eternal and Without End

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

This Sunday we celebrate Father’s Day, and we remember in a special way all that fathers do for their children.  Being a father is a great privilege and a great responsibility.  Fathers are challenged to set a good example for their children and to help prepare them for their lives as adults.  This is especially important for fathers in these difficult and uncertain times when their children, especially teens, may face many temptations and trials which may influence their behavior.

Our Holy Father, Pope Francis has placed great emphasis and focus on fatherhood.

As noted in the media outlet, “Catholic News Agency”, he stated that, “Our experience of faith…arises from somebody’s witness.”  He then pointed to St. Joseph as a witness and model for fatherhood, as he noted that Joseph had a remarkable “ability to know how to listen to God speaking to his heart.”  Pope Francis further stated, “I am convinced that the fatherly relationship that Joseph had with Jesus influenced His life so much that Jesus’ future preaching is filled with images and references taken precisely from paternal imagery.”  In that special relationship, Jesus honored His foster father St. Joseph throughout His life.

As we reflect on these words of Pope Francis, we are reminded that we are called to honor our fathers.  There should be a desire to maintain a strong bond of communication with them and assist in their care in their later years, after the many years that they have cared for us in so many different ways.  It is also suggested that we pray for them after their death.  Our love for our fathers should reflect the love that God has for us.  Many fathers have their share of trials and struggles but they do their best within their human limitations to serve as mentors and guides for their children.

The following prayer “Happy Father’s Day” provided by the media outlet “Catholics Striving for Holiness” thanks God for the gift of our fathers:

God our Father, through the intercession of St. Joseph, the foster father of Your Son,
our Lord Jesus Christ, we give You thanks and praise for all fathers in the world.
We pray for them so that they may find courage and perseverance to balance work, family and faith.
We remember fathers, grandfathers, and great grandfathers who are no longer with us but who live forever in our memory and with You and nourish us with their love.  Amen.

As we reflect on this prayer, we are invited to thank Our Heavenly Father for the gift of our fathers and for the many blessings He has bestowed on us.


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