Pastor's Corner

2024 07-17  National Eucharistic Congress, Indianapolis, July 17th – July 21st

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

As Catholics, we are blessed to have a high regard for the Eucharist, the source and summit of our faith.  As encouraged by Our Holy Father Pope Francis, we are invited to bond with each other by nourishing together on the Bread of Life in the Eucharist, and then by going forth in loving service of our brothers and sisters, especially our brothers and sisters in need.

One way we demonstrate our high regard for the Eucharist is through our support of, or active participation in, the National Eucharistic Congress which will take place in Indianapolis, from July 17th to July 21st.  The Congress will focus on the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist.  Congress organizers noted, “This once-in-a lifetime gathering will bring together the most trusted voices in the Church and thousands of on-fire Catholics for five powerful days of worship, encounter, and formation.”

The Congress will feature such dynamic Catholic speakers as Bishop Robert Barron and Fr. Mike Schmitz.  Bishop Barron founded “Word on Fire Ministries” a non-profit organization, which spreads the Gospel message.  He is a highly respected commentator, lecturer, and author on various aspects of Catholic life, including the Holy Eucharist.  Fr. Schmitz is well known for his insightful podcasts, “The Bible in a Year” and “The Catechism in a Year”.  Each podcast consists of 365 daily episodes of informative commentary and prayer.  In addition, other nationally prominent clergy and lay speakers will also be present.

The following “Eucharistic Revival Prayer” by Most Reverend Jose Gomez, Archbishop of Los Angeles, asks God to strengthen and enhance our appreciation for the Eucharist.

As we reflect on this prayer, we are reminded that the word “Eucharist” means “giving thanks.”  And today we can once again thank the Lord for the great gift of the Eucharist and for our vibrant faith community of Saint Brigid.

Heavenly Father, we thank you for the gift of your Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, who promised to stay with us always, until the end of the age.
Reawaken our wonder at His presence in the Most Holy Eucharist.  May our hearts burn with us as He opens the Scriptures and breaks the bread.
Give us the eyes of faith to recognize His presence in our brothers and sisters, especially in the face of the poor and suffering.
Nourished by the Eucharist, send us forth to walk faithfully as missionary disciples, proclaiming the Gospel to every heart and extending Your kingdom to every land.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.  Amen.


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