Pastor's Corner

2024 07-28  Thankful for the Ministry of our Permanant Deacons

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

The Catholic Church is blessed to have men serve as Permanent Deacons.  Those men who are called to the Permanent Deaconate can be married, and they are ordained usually after a rigorous period of five years of training and formation.  Many Permanent Deacons have secular jobs to support their families, and strive to balance family, Church, work and other responsibilities.

As reported in the media outlet “Deeper Truth”, the word deacon “comes from the Greek word ‘diakonos’ meaning ‘servant’.  Strengthened by sacramental grace, in union with the bishops and his priests, deacons are called to serve the people of God in the three-fold ministry of liturgy, word, and charity.”

Permanent Deacons serve the Church in many ways.  They assist the priest at Mass, preach at Mass when appropriate, preside at baptisms, teach in our faith formation programs, visit the sick and the homebound, prepare couples for marriage, counsel couples who may be struggling in their marriages, preside at Benediction and Holy Hours, and participate in many of our Church ministries and activities.  They also strive to help those who are struggling or marginalized in some way find the spiritual, emotional, and material assistance they need.

The following “A Deacon’s Prayer”, provided by the media outlet “Deeper Truth”, asks the Lord to guide a Deacon in his ministry:

Lord Jesus Christ, Servant of all,
Send your Spirit upon me as I serve your Church.
Give me eyes to see the needs of Your people.
Give me a discerning mind to know Your truth.
Give me a generous spirit when I am tired but needed.
Give me a humble heart when my work goes unnoticed.
Give me peace of mind in obedience and service.
Give me health of body so I may serve with strength.
Make me fertile ground for Your inspiration and love.
Comfort me when I question myself and my ministry.
Grant me grace as I age so I may share Your wisdom.
Make my heart like Yours so I may love Your people.

As we reflect on this prayer, we are reminded that we have many faithful, dedicated, and holy Deacons serving us at Saint Brigid.  They generously share their gifts and talents with us.  Please avail yourself of an opportunity to thank them for their service and continue to wish them well in their ministry.  Please also continue to pray for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate, and religious life.


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