Pastor's Corner

2024 03-24 Palm Sunday, we begin our journey toward Easter.

Written by: Father Neil Herlihy

This Sunday we celebrate Palm Sunday and focus on the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem.  Palms are blessed and distributed to the faithful on this day to be used for personal devotion throughout the year.  Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week during which we commemorate the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of Jesus.

Commenting on Palm Sunday in a recent message, as reported by the media outlet “Catholic News Agency”, Pope Francis invited Catholics to live Holy Week “as the tradition of God’s holy faithful people teaches us, that is, accompanying the Lord Jesus with faith and love.”  He pointed to Mary as a model as he stated, “Let us learn from our Mother, the Virgin Mary.  She followed her Son with the closeness of her heart; she was one soul with him and, although she did not understand everything, together with him she surrendered herself fully to the will of God the Father.”  Pope Francis then wished all “a happy journey toward Easter.”

The following prayer from the media outlet “Prayerist” invites us to truly embrace a spiritual focus as we begin this journey during Holy Week:

Lord God,
I give you thanks, for You are good, and Your mercy is endless.
Here I stand, at the start of this holy week, this week in which your church remembers Jesus’ passion and death, and I am distracted by many things.
Turn my eyes now to the One who comes in Your name, the One who opens the gates of righteousness, the One who answers when we call.
I bless you, Lord, for shining Your light upon me, and for sending Your son to us, in human frailty, to open the road we walk.
Open my eyes that I may see Him coming, and may praise Him with a pure heart, and may walk in the way of His suffering, and share in His resurrection.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever.

As we reflect on this prayer, and on the words of Pope Francis, Our Holy Father has asked us to focus on the sacredness of Holy Week, and take time to pray, reflect, and discern. He wants us to more fully understand what Jesus did for us, what Jesus means to us. Pursuant to this request, we are strongly encouraged to participate in our upcoming liturgical services during Holy Week if we are physically able. We are also strongly encouraged to invite family members and friends to join us. Please carefully review the schedule of our Masses and our other liturgical services for the week and plan to participate to the extent possible. Details can be found in the Parish bulletin and on the Parish website.
Today, as we celebrate and experience the joy of Palm Sunday, as we shout “Hosanna”, we are challenged to truly appreciate this special time of grace.


On this Easter Sunday, we welcome all to our vibrant Parish community.
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